The name of the college is Ghanteswer College Library.It contains about 5,000 books arranged under different sections and sub sections. The staff and students of college may use the library .

Library rules are mentioned below.


1. The library remains open from 10A.M. to 4 P.M. on all working days.

2. Transaction of books with the students of morning classes is done from 11 A.M. to 12 P.M. and for other classes is from 2 P.M. to 3 P.M.

3. Students intending to receive books should submit their requisition slips containing the names of books, its author alongwith their library cards between the time mentioned above. Books will be issued to them after one hour of their apply.

4. Every borrower must examine the condition of the books before they are issued to him/her. Otherwise in case of mutilation discovered later, the presumption will be against the borrower.

5. Students should return their books within 15 days of the dates of issue. If the last date of return of book falls on a holiday, it may be returned to the library on the next working day. A fine of 50 (fifty) paise per day shall be imposed if they return books after due date.

6. Dictuionaries, rare books current issues of periodicals, courses of studies, questions shall not bbe issued for use at home.

7. No book shall be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the Librarian until it has been properly entered in the Circulation Register and the entry admitted by signature of the borrower.

8. Every student can use his/her library card while borrowing books. In no case one student can sign and borrlw books in the name of another student.

9. The student should admit their identity cards to the Librarian at the time of issue of courses of studies, questions, magazines etc.

10. Students must return the library books, before filling up their application forms for the council and University Examination.

11. A borrower against whome any fine is outstanding, will not be allowed to borrow books from the library until the book is returned of the fine is paid.

12. In case of missing of library book, the borrower has to pay ten times the catalogue price of the book if the missing book is not replaced.

13. If a student loses his/her library card, another card will be issued to him/her on the submission of an application and on payment of Rs. 10/- (Rupees ten only).

14. Referance books shall be issued to the members of the teaching staff only.

15. No out sider should enter the library without taking permission from the principal.

16. For verification of Annual stock of the library the members of the staff should have to returned their books to the college library minimum 15 days before the college is closed for summer vacation.

17. Any book once issued to a borrower will be reissued to him/ her only if no other borrower wants it.

18. A single copy of a book shall not be issued to anybody. It shall be kept in reserve in the library.

19. No marginal notes or markings shall be made in the library books and no page shall be or torn. In case a page is found torn or removed or disfigured, the penalty shall fall on the borrower of the 17 18 Calendar-2017-18 [ ] [ ] Calendar-2017-18 book.

20. Spitting, smoking, sleeping and shouting in the library and in the reading room is strictly prohibited. Complete silence is to be maintained in the library. Wilful breach of this rule by anybody present in the library should be immediately reported to the principal.

21. If any body wants to make a complaint or suggestion regarding library, it should be referred to the lecturer in charge of the library or finally to the Principal.

22. A person borrowing from the library is supposed to have read rules of the library and is to abide by them. Ignorance of the library rules will be no excuse for the breach of any rules.

23. The Principal reserves the right to introduce any new rule and abandon or amend any existing rule of the library from time to time

24. The maximum no. of books that may be issued to various classes of borrowers is given below.

Borrower Max. Nos. of books to be issued

1- Lecturer 10

2- Non-Teaching staff 2

3- Honours student 3

4- Other student 2


The college library has a reading room adjacent to it. The staff as well students of the college may make the best use of it. RULES FOR THE READING ROOM

1. The reading room of Ghanteswer College library will be kept open for the staff and students from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. on all working days and during long holidays.

2. Books will be issued only on production of both the renewed Identity Card-Cum-Library Card for the current session.

3. After a book is issued, the Identity Card-Cum-Library Card will be retained by the Librarian till the book is returned. In no circumstances will students be allowed to take the books outside.

4. One book at a time will be issued to the borrower for his/her use inside the reading room.

5. A borrower is allowed to change his/her book once during his/ her stay inside the reading Reading Room. But such change of books cannot be allowed before expiry of one hour.

6. Consultation of catalogues should be donebefore entering the reading room. The requisition slips dully fielld in should be handed over to the Librarian for verificationand issue of books.

7. Students must check the book issued to them thoroughly before they leave the issue counter and report to the Librarian-in-charge of the Reading Room incase of any damage.

8. Students are not allowed to keep books borrow from the Read ing Room overnight. They are directed to read books etc. inside the Reading Room and not to take books outside. They have to return the books on the same day befere leaving the Reading Room

9. Any body who takes a book out of the library will forfeit his/ her right to use the Reading Room.

10. Anybody found mutilating or disfiguring a book in any manner will be seriously dealt with.

11. Ulmost silence and discipline must be observed inside the Reading Room.

12. Anybody found talking or causing diaturbance in any manner in the Reading Room will be deprived of library facilities facilities in the first instance and his/her name will be removed from the college rolls if the offence is repeated.

13. Arrangement of chairs and tables must not be disturbed in any circumstances.